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Ngan Nguyen

Former McKinsey & Co., Management and Strategy Consultant

London, England, United Kingdom
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About Me

Operational and strategy business consultant with demonstrated success working with business and management teams to facilitate business positioning, strategic thinking, and organizational development to create sustainable growth. Extensive experience in competitive and corporate strategy, product strategy, operational transformation, strategic partnerships, investments, and acquisitions.

Work Experience
Executive Advisor at Sloan School Of Management Massachusetts Institute Of Technology Jun 2018  - Sep 2022 Cambridge, MA, USA

Working as an independent consultant with the executive education department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I work with their senior leadership cohort in both a one-on-one setting or in a group program to help develop the knowledge and goals of MIT’s curriculums.

  • Knowledge Development: As a part of MIT’s program, I participate in two four-week-long immersive executive development programs each year and gain exposure to the leading knowledge within business and operational strategy. I then support the professors in providing hands-on support to participants of the program, which includes 65 senior executives with 20+ years of experience in management.
  • Executive Coaching and Development: In addition to supporting the program delivery, I work with 2-3 executives on a one-on-one basis through the duration of the program and 6 months after to support in achieving the development plan created during the program.

Strategy Consultant at Cintamani Group Mar 2017  - present Boston, MA

Independent Consultant with Cintamani Group working on organization strategy, business launch and scaling, go-to- market strategy, commercial due diligence, market and opportunity assessment, and product development across B2B and B2C businesses.

  • Competitive and Organizational Strategy – Supported healthcare, technology, software, automotive, insurance, and industrial clients in competitive, go-to-market, and organizational strategies. The typical work involved market analysis and mapping, market modeling and projects, scenario analysis, interviews with internal and external stakeholders, workshop preparation, and creating an implementation plan and data presentation while engaging with leadership and business stakeholders.
  • Business Launch and Scaling – Launched and scaled the Boston chapter, London/European chapter, and the Global Network of the International Association of Women (IAW). Supported IAW in strategy development and expansion of its reach. Also helped the Conscious Conversations brand to build community within the public and private sectors to support the 17 SDGs of the United Nations.
  • Commercial Due Diligence – Working with corporate and private equity clients, helped B2B and B2C clients determine their strategic fit, commercial attractiveness, and the possibility of future business evolution. Have completed projects in CDD projects in industrials, technology, automotive, transportation, and luxury consumer goods market.
  • Change Management – Supported projects to create a unifying system of business processes, technology, staff, and leadership to consolidate the myriad of strategies to improve workflows and identify and re-engineer sub- par and inefficient business processes to help businesses achieve set targets to gain competitive advantage.
  • Partnership & Ecosystems – Supported organizations in developing effective end-to-end partnerships and ecosystem strategies that helped businesses align culturally on mutual purpose, working methods, and incentives. For example, assisting SmartUp Global Partners to develop a collaboration with Harvard and MIT to strengthen their brand and thought leadership position.

Engagement Manager, Corporate Strategy & Research at Liberty Mutual Insurance Jan 2016  - Nov 2018 Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Reported directly to the Managing Director in Corporate Strategy & Research at Liberty Mutual Insurance.

  • Primary responsibility was assisting senior executives in making strategic decisions related to their respective business units.
  • Lead project-related activities in the areas of strategy development and strategic planning, financial analysis, competitive analysis, organizational design, operations analysis, market positioning and segmentation, capital investment decisions, and special studies.
  • Previous role: Senior Consultant (Feb 2017 - June 2018), Consultant (June 2016-Feb 2017).
Sample of projects:
  • Developed the smart cities strategy for Liberty Mutual, looking at ways they can better grow and engage with stakeholders in major metropolitan since that is where a lot of the population growth is happening in the U.S. 
  • Supported the development of the organization's strategic partnerships strategy - looking at ways to position the organization for sustainable growth 10-20 years out and what types of partnerships they need, and with whom.
  • Developed the strategy and supported the execution of a firm-wide robotics process automation strategy to help Liberty Mutual become more efficient and effective in their processes.

MBA from Ecole de Management de Marseille
Sep 2009 - Jun 2012
International Economics, Finance
MBA from Portland
Sep 2009 - Jun 2012
Innovation and Sustainability
Honors Bachelor of Science from Oregon State University
Sep 2005 - Jun 2009
Bioengineering, Biochemistry and Biophysics


Transformational Leadership in the Era Of Change

Leadership styles when applied tends to produce a reasonable outcome, but naturally, personalities of different individuals influence their leadership styles. Leadership cannot be cloned from one human to another.

Business Ecosystems To Quickly Build Up Capabilities

New combinations of skills, talent, and technology have become imperative to improve operational efficiency, customer experience, and gain a competitive edge. Digital transformations are driving positive outcomes. But for building resilience, businesses need to do more.

Scaled Execution Of Digital Migration

COVID-19 crisis has forced most companies to digitize at least some part of their business. To remain competitive, businesses are migrating to digital. Digital transformation is proving beneficial in retaining employees and enlarging the customer base.

The Need For Rapid Digital Transformation And How To Do It

Digital transformation is no longer a meaningless buzzword. It is the organizational, cultural, and operational change of an industry or organization through the integration of digital technologies and processes across all levels in a strategic way, with present and future shifts in mind.
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